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Updated-The lawsuit has been filed formally.

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2022.5 已经找到愿意支持的教授

☀️ 律师本周二(5月3日)和Professor Yuliy Baryshnikov 沟通后认为他的背景符合本案的原告要求,这位教授具备实质的证据证明禁令对他部门和研究的负面影响。现在教授会和学校沟通出庭作为原告是否需要学校额外的审批。另外,律师也在和Anthony Muller教授沟通其作为原告的可能性。如果教授方顺利,将会在五月中旬开展诉讼。


2022.4 与律师视频会议的要点总结

☀️ 我们根据同学们关心的问题进行了咨询,会议详情记录整理如下:2022.4月会议总结 

2022.3 与律师视频会议的要点总结

☀️ Mar. 1st我们与律师沟通了目前的进展,原告以及30多名热心同学和家长参会并且进行咨询,会议详情记录已整理如下:2022.3.1 会议总结 

2022.2.26 PP10043诉讼即将开始,希望能有美国大学教授的支持

☀️ 现在律师已经完成了所有的诉讼准备工作,但仍然希望能够找到一位持有美国绿卡或者美国籍教授加入作为原告,以避免美国法院因为讨论管辖权问题而影响我们的诉讼计划。
☀️ 同学们找到很多教授表示了支持,但是目前仍然没有找到合适的教授愿意加入我们。我们跟多位教授沟通后,总结出以下两点建议:
-  找教授如果失败的话,麻烦他询问一下身边可能对此事表示关心的教授。
-  试着找政治,国际关系方面的美籍教授看是否其愿意提供热心帮助。
☀️ 我们将在下周二(Mar. 1st)跟律师进行视频会面,最后确定一个等待的日期和备选方案。

2022.2.10 律师表示希望能有美国大学教授支持

☀️ 律师已经大部分准备好诉讼程序,主要基于三点:





同时律师会请求法院颁布禁令,禁止10043继续实施,不是原告而受到10043影响的学生亦将同时受益。 案件中,律师仅会提及原告学生的英文名称,不会披露任何其他信息。若案件进入调查取证期间,律师将以隐私并对学生的保护为基础要求所有取证内容保密,因此公共信息中不会涉及各位同学除名字之外的信息。 政府律师将有2个月的时间进行回复,期间政府可能对原告身份提出质疑,对案件的可诉请提出质疑,在实体审查之前亦有可能涉及上诉。

☀️ 关于教授作为原告身份所需要完成的事情:
(1) 美国人或持有美国绿卡的外国人;
(2) 拟招收中国学生或作为中国学生的导师;
(3) 同意作为本案的“public face”。如果案件进入庭审阶段,则需要作为证人出庭;但律师认为案件走到开庭的几率比较小。 因此不需要学校作为机构介入,而是需要教授或导师作为个人身份进入。

☀️ 如果有愿意支持我们的教授,愿意以原告身份帮助我们诉讼,请同学可以在跟教授沟通的过程中同时转发邮件发送到律师邮箱

2021.11.24 关于在美诉讼最新进展

☀️ 原告同学们经过整理多方的推荐,最终决定由Huston执业律师Matthew Swigger,Edwin Villa律师负责诉讼,Eva Niu律师帮助整理原告资料以及协调人,以及另一位在国际民权诉讼届具有多年执业经历的James Min律师作为咨询方。

☀️ Gofundme 平台中校友及同学们的善款(总计142,760$)已经由平台代管进入信托,由Villa Law Firm进行支取用作诉讼相关费用。

☀️ 志愿者通过Gofundme平台于十一月中正式和律师签署第三方付费集体诉讼合同(即志愿者不作为原告,不享受福利,仅通过Gofundme平台将善款转交给律所),具体合同部分截图如下(其中涉及姓名的部分作打码处理)。









2021.11.16 两国首脑视频会晤后的消息报道

☀️ 视频会晤后,《南华早报》引述消息人士的说法称,美国副国务卿温迪‧舍曼7月在天津与中方会谈时,两国已经在桌面下悄悄恢复了工作层面的对话,报道还说,双方原则上同意在不久的将来放宽对大陆学生的签证限制。


☀️ 中国外交部在天津会谈中提出的清单是两份,一份叫“纠错清单”,主要涉及美方针对大陆华人的一些措施,包括撤销对党员及家属的签证限制,撤销对中方的各种制裁,取消大陆留学生签证限制,停止打压中国企业和孔子学院,撤销对孟晚舟的引渡等等。另一份叫“重点个案清单”,主要涉及在美华人的一些处境,诸如中国公民遭受不公正待遇、仇恨亚裔情绪滋长等等。

2021.10.30 刘鹏宇大使的推特回复




2021.09.29 A series of concerns about the two lists of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China

- On July 6, 2021, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian presided over a regular press conference on CCTV’s “Recently, more than 500 Chinese students co-signed a letter to the Chinese Embassy in the United States, reflecting that their visa applications for studying in the United States were Rejected. Does China have any comment on this?" to reply
- On July 9, 2021, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin hosted a regular press conference in response to a reporter from China Daily, "It is reported that the US State Department spokesperson recently responded to the US's rejection of Chinese students’ visas to study in the US, saying that the relevant measures are based on Presidential Decree No. 10043 only affects less than 2% of Chinese applicants. The United States welcomes international students, including China, to the United States. What's China’s comment on this?"
- On July 26, 2021, Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng held talks with visiting US Deputy Secretary of State Sherman in Tianjin and presented two lists to the US
- On August 31, 2021, Ambassador Qin Gang delivered a keynote speech at the video welcome event for board members of the National Committee on US-China Relations
- On August 29, 2021, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a telephone conversation with US Secretary of State Blincol at an appointment. Wang Yi stated that the US should take seriously the two lists and the three bottom lines proposed by China.
- On September 1, 2021, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with a video meeting with Kerry, the US President’s special envoy on climate issues, who is conducting Sino-US climate change negotiations in Tianjin. Wang Yi: The US should attach importance to and actively respond to the "two lists" and "three bottom lines" proposed by China.
- On September 22, local time, Qin Gang, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, discussed "what substantive measures the United States and China can take to increase mutual trust, especially the restoration of Effective cooperation in the fields of education, science and technology?" Reply
- On September 22, 2021, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian presided over a regular press conference on the "People's Daily" reporter "Recently, some U.S. officials have spoken anonymously to the media that the effectiveness of dialogue and communication between the U.S. for a period of time was not good. Accuses China of being "tough" and "no intention to hold serious or substantive talks." What comment does China have on this?" Reply
- On September 28, 2021, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a press conference: I have noticed media comments that the resolution of the Meng Wanzhou incident has pulled out a thorn in Sino-US relations. . However, because the US has implemented the wrong policy toward China for some time, there are still many other thorns in Sino-US bilateral relations. We hope that the US will attach great importance to it and take concrete actions to clear these two lists. As President Xi Jinping pointed out, Sino-US cooperation will benefit both countries and the world; Sino-US confrontation will bring disasters to both countries and the world. It is hoped that the US and China will meet each other halfway, in accordance with the spirit of the two heads of state, strengthen dialogue and cooperation, properly manage differences, and push China-US relations back to the right track of stable development as soon as possible.

2021.07.09 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin once again responded that the US needs to face up to the unwarranted suppression of Chinese students.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on the 9th that China urges the United States to face up to and reconsider issues related to Chinese students going to the United States, stop unwarranted restrictions on Chinese students, and protect their legitimate rights and interests.

Wang Wenbin said that the United States said that the above measures only affect less than 2% of Chinese applicants, but Georgetown University reported that it is estimated that 3000 to 5000 Chinese graduate students in related disciplines who intend to study in the United States will be affected by Presidential Decree No. 10043 each year. , Accounting for 16% to 27% of the total number of people.

"We have also seen that a large number of students affected by Presidential Decree No. 10043 have spontaneously set up websites to tell about their experience of being denied visas and call for the maintenance of academic freedom. This is the voice that the United States should face squarely. People-to-people and cultural exchanges are the relationship between China and the United States. Fundamentally, academic, educational, and technological exchanges are an important part of the humanities exchanges between China and the United States. We urge the United States to face and reconsider this issue, stop unwarranted restrictions on Chinese students, and protect their legitimate rights and interests." Wang Wenbin said.

2021.07.06 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds to the refusal of visas for students studying in the U.S.

After China Daily published a report titled " Exclusive: The U.S. refused to sign more than 500 science and engineering graduates in China to continue its suppression policy ", the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to this incident. CCTV News, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that the U.S. was driving history backwards. , The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the refusal of visas for students studying in the United States . The topic has been read more than 100 million on Weibo and has been on the hot search list.

At the same time, as of July 7, 2021, there were 68 media posts on this topic on the Tencent platform, with about 4 million views. At the same time, it also ranked first on the Zhihu hot search list. How do you treat the insider's disclosure: the United States refused to sign more than 500 Chinese science and engineering graduate students? What information is worth paying attention to? .

For the detailed link of the report, please refer to the media report page. Media including People's Daily, CCTV News, Xinhuanet, and Chang An Jian of the Central Political and Legal Committee have reprinted reports.

2021.06.09 Reported by Financial Magazines, which attracted a lot of attention 

The incident was reported by the financial news, a special article-Mengduan Order No. 10043: Chinese students who were refused visas intend to sue the US government in WeChat Moments (the number of tweets viewed on the official account is 88,000) and Weibo (the number of discussions on Weibo topics is 436,000) Aroused widespread concern.

​ There are currently five media including Sixth Tone (Campaign Against US Ban on Some Chinese Students Gains Ground ) and World Wide Web (the U.S. partially lifts the "ban on going to the U.S." for Chinese students, but the visa policy is still "reserved"). The voice supports us. For the detailed link of the report, please refer to the media report page.



Updated on June 28th, 2022




The lawsuit has been filed formally. We will update the following information in our WeChat group, and please pay attention to the follow-up. Please also contact our mailbox ( if you want to inquire about more information. Here is the letter from our lawyers:

Hello everyone,

Edwin filed the lawsuit and the TRO this afternoon.  The case number is 2:22-cv-02140-CSB-EIL. The electronic filing system is currently not letting us access the free copies of the filed documents that we are entitled to as the attorneys of record, but we will resolve that issue with the clerk tomorrow and then circulate copies to you directly. 

Best regards,
Matt Swiger

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